Get to Know…Diego
Get to Know Diego
So it’s Diego’s turn to answer his questions
Cat: What are some of your favorite activities that you do on a regular basis?
Diego: Watch cartoons c:
Cat: What are you going to college for?
Diego: not sure yet lol
Cat: What is the last thing you wasted money on?
Diego: a new engine
Cat: What is the last nice thing you did for someone just because you could?
Diego: helping a friend recuperate when he was feeling sick
Cat: What is something you do when you cannot sleep?
Diego: watch more cartoons
Cat: Who is someone you go to for advice?
Diego: my cousin Juan
Cat: What is one bad habit, other than smoking, you are proud of breaking?
Diego: I’m more outspoken than I used to be
Cat: If you needed a kidney who do you think would give you one?
Diego: My father I think :0
Cat: What is a small luxury that you treat yourself to whenever you can?
Diego: Going to music festivals 😀
Cat: What part of your daily routine can you not function without?
Diego: Driving my car :3
Cat: What is something unusual you like to put on a sandwich?
Diego: peanut butter and jelly 😀
Cat: What is something that really creeps you out?
Diego: aggressive insects(\__/)
Cat: Would you rather be hungry or thirsty?
Diego: Thirsty
Cat: What is your all-time favorite joke?
Diego: What’s brown and sticky? A stick! Get it?
Cat: How are you feeling today? Phrase it in the form of a weather report ex. Sunny, Cloudy, Rainy…
Diego: neutral? lol
Cat: When you were a child did you ever run away from home?
Diego: I walked about halfway down the street then turned back around lol
Cat: What are you currently vaping on?
Diego: peanut butter rice crispy on an IPV4 with a Mutation X V4
Cat: What is your favorite movie line?
Diego: “We can’t stop here, this is bat country!” – Johnny Depp as Hunter S Thompson
Cat: What is something that you consider yourself to be very good at?
Diego: spinning poi :3
Cat: If you had to apply a label to yourself what would it be?
Diego: Humble
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