How Nick joined the #imaquitter club!
Hello there, my name is Nick. When did I become a quitter? Well if you ask my dad, it was when I gave up piano lessons in the 4th grade, but I assume you are talking about when I stopped smoking right? Well I suppose I should start with when I started smoking in the first place.
I had just turned 18 and moved out of the house I had lived in pretty much my whole life. With the world at my feet I did what any sheltered young adult would do, I bought my first pack of cigarettes. It wasn’t long before I became addicted and moved up from the occasional cigarette to smoking through two packs a day. My health quickly fell into a state of decay as the tar built up on my once pristine lungs. I developed a severe cough and my chest felt heavy when I woke in the morning. This continued for a few years and progressively got worse and worse. Then one day I was on a job hunt. Walking up and down the stretch of road by my apartment, applying at any business I came across. Maybe it was fate, or perhaps just a crazy random happenstance that I arrived at Vixen Vapors.
A few weeks after I had applied, I was hired on as a sales associate at Vixen. I knew very little about E-cigs and at this point, was still a very heavy smoker. With so much information to process, training seemed a bit daunting. On my first day, I got my first E-Cig. It was a Sigelei Zmax and a DCT tank. I attempted to stop smoking and use my new setup. I was slowing down significantly, but I still had a dependency on Cigarettes. After a couple of months I realized that maybe I just wasn’t getting what I needed out of that particular setup. I bought an E-lvt with a Kanger Genitank Mega and felt a lot better about the hit I got out of it. After a little time adjusting the amount of nicotine and VG/PG ratio I finally was able to cut down to only two cigarettes a day! It was not too long after that that I was able to stop completely and say “I’m a quitter”. It just goes to show, having the right setup is essential to being able to stop being dependent on cigarettes. What setup did you use to stop smoking?
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