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Kyle Is At It Again With His Cryptic Writing…

I had a thought the other day, the other days’ thought was something along the lines of creativity meets passion mixed with a little fire. Creativity can only take this idea so far before passion gets its grubby little hands all over the idea, then fire just comes in a ruins everything that the two […]

The Ego All-in-One – The Best Device for Beginners

If you are currently trying to quit smoking and/or just want a low-maintenance, hassle-free device that won’t break the bank, I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND the Joyetech Ego All-in-One.  This unit comes with all the hardware one would need to get started all for the low price of $30.  Here is a few reasons why you […]

The Best Day of Kyle’s Life

Kyle’s best day of  life so far has to be the most epic thing to have ever happen to anyone and/or everyone on this big rock that we inhabit, so to start of this best day of life, we must first pinpoint what makes a best day happen. Many things have to come together for […]

The Musical Tastes of the Distribution Center

Music is an incredible thing. It has the ability to bring people from completely different walks of life together and unite them, and form bonds that can last a lifetime. However, it can also show which people will just never completely mesh. Here at the Distribution Center we have a whole three employees (I know, […]

TJ’s New Year’s Resolution

This year’s resolution for me means more to me than the last few I’ve had in the past. There are a number of others I have wrote that dealt with someone else’s issues and my concern for them but this year I have a few these I want to have done before then end of […]

Becca’s New Year’s Resolution

New Years Resolutions seem to be the same from person to person. The most common New Years Resolutions are to get fit before the summer rolls around, get rid of old clothes, drink less alcohol, eat healthier, spend less time on Facebook and watching TV and start spending more time with family and friends, learn […]

Tiffani’s New Year’s Resolution

What is a New Year’s Resolution? A new year’s resolution is a tradition, most common in the western hemisphere, where most people make a promise to do an act of self-improvement or something nice such as opening a door or being a better person all together. Today it is a change in one’s self-improvement although […]

AJ’s New Year’s Resolution

I’m not too keen on setting a New Year’s resolution. Like most people, I will set one, but I won’t usually follow through with it. This time I think mine will be to start playing bass guitar again. I have been neglecting it for quite some time now. It’s something I’ve been meaning to do, […]

Christian’s New Year’s Resolution

Every year the holiday season seems to rush on by for all of us who choose to celebrate them. This is Christian again from Vixen Vapor’s Crowley location and this time I’m going to be talking about a wondrous holiday that the U.S. celebrates with resolutions and vast amounts of liquor to forget the past […]