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Nick’s New Year’s Resolution

Greetings yet again vapors, this is Nick from the Pantego location! The New Year is coming upon us faster than I ever imagined. It has been an interesting year to say the least. As the year draws to a close it is time to reflect and meditate on the successes, failures, love gained and love […]

Alynna’s New Year’s Resolution

I would say that my New Year’s resolution would be to quit smoking but I am 3 years smoke free thanks to Vixen Vapors! There are so many different things that I would like to change and I am sure that you could say the same! Whether it be eating in a healthier manner, working […]

Kyle’s New Year’s Resolution

So every year comes around, and every single year people create what they call a “New Year’s Resolution!”. I myself like everyone else in the world make one in hopes to actually achieve this set forth goal. The goal is unachievable to many and somewhat achievable to many, most if my goals are a little […]

Online Orders and USPS

The most common issue that our online department faces is lost packages. The United States Postal Service is, sadly, notorious for being clumsy with transportation and delivery. When you place an order with Vixen you will receive a tracking number for your package upon it being sent out in the mail. Generally, according to USPS, […]

AJ’s Favorite Experience With A Coworker

It was a clear, warm, humid Friday night in the middle of July. Dale, Russell, and I had been discussing going on a Pokémon GO adventure for the past couple of days. Nine o’clock rolls around and I receive a message from Dale. They were playing poker at The House Bar, and asked if we […]

Christian’s Favorite Holiday

Hey it’s Christian again from Vixen Vapor’s Crowley location. This time I’m talking about the one thing we all either hate or love, the holiday season. (Cue dramatic sound effects) now everyone has a favorite holiday because each one has a different culture or religion behind it. They each give a different vibe off in […]

Kristine’s Birthday Plans

On October 27th I will be turning 21, so like every other coming-of-age person I wanted to do something incredible and memorable for it. Luckily, there happens to be a pretty awesome Halloween themed music festival happening in California two days after. This year, for my 21st birthday, my boyfriend Lolo and I will be […]

The 3 Things TJ Wishes He Knew Before Vaping

So the one thing I definitely didn’t know would be coil building. I have a wide understanding of coil building now that I didn’t know before. I have a huge friend group and they all are vapors who love the e-cig life. They taught me the differences between sub-ohm tanks and RDA’s and once I […]

Becca’s Favorite Experience with A Coworker

I don’t know if I would go as far as to say this was my favorite experience with a coworker but it was definitely the most memorable… I had only been working at Vixen Vapors for about 2 weeks. It was Friday so AJ began playing his notorious Friday Playlist. Overall, it is a pretty […]

Vape Question of the Day

Hi Howdy Hey Everybody!!!!! So I have been doing some reading through forums today and I have seen a lot of questions that deal with vaping and the vaping community, But I bring you one solid question I see a lot and that is “Why Sub-Ohm”? When I see the question, “Why Sub-Ohm”, I think […]