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Diana’s EDC vaping experience! Part 2

After claims that they didn’t have any with them and a bit more pushing for me to buy a new tank, I decided to try my luck at the other booths. Every booth I went to I explained my issue and stated that I just needed pliers, no one claimed to have any to help […]

Getting to know AJ!

AJ Is one of our hardest working employees. He has been dying to have a “get to know me” blog post so without further ado! 1: How long have you been vaping? Hmmmm…..3 years maybe 4. 2: When did you decide to grow a mustache? Haha! November 2009 3: What did you want to be […]

Diana’s EDC vaping experience! Part 1

We all have a vaping moment that we’re really proud of. A moment that we fixed something that we consider a good story, and we should be proud, we’re awesome for them. First off, let me start by saying that I love EDM (Electronic Dance Music). I took a trip to Las Vegas this June […]

How Nick joined the #imaquitter club!

Hello there, my name is Nick. When did I become a quitter? Well if you ask my dad, it was when I gave up piano lessons in the 4th grade, but I assume you are talking about when I stopped smoking right? Well I suppose I should start with when I started smoking in the […]

Christian’s Hidden Talent!

Hey how’s everyone doing in this summer heat? This time I’m here to write about hidden talents, mine more specifically though. My best hidden talent is my love of writing poems. I started writing merely as a class assignment in 8th grade. I wrote a little in 6th but I didn’t actually do it as […]

We really do have the best customers around!

  Throughout my time with Vixen Vapors I have had the pleasure of interacting with many, many customers, and have had the immense pleasure of having some pretty memorable moments during my time here. However, there is one that is special to me and will always stick out in my mind. I was originally hired […]

No More Custom Flavors

Hello everyone, It is with great regret that we announce that we can no longer mix custom flavors by request as of August 8th, 2016 . In the past, we tried our hardest to be accommodating if a customer had asked us to mix multiple flavors together, however, under the new FDA deeming regulations this would now be […]

What’s playing at Vixen Vapors Pantego?

Greetings Vapors and gentleman,   Here at vixen vapors we have a very diverse music selection, and if you have been in to our Pantego location you may have noticed. There is always a different style, Genre, Artist or band playing for your enjoyment and ours! Each of our employees are lovers of all music, […]