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Fishbone RDA

Hello Out there, We are happy to announce we have added a cool new rebuildable atomizer to our line up! In addition to; the Velocity RDA , the Royal Hunter RDA, the Dark Horse RDA, the Mutation xS, and a few others, we will also be stocking the Fishbone RDA from Cloudjoy.   The Fishbone RDA […]

Fall Flavors are Coming

Hello Everyone, Guess what? Fall is quickly approaching and you know what that means! Sweater weather, cool morning breezes, the changing colors of the foliage, the fantastic deliciousness that is pumpkin spice lattes, the enticing fun that is the State Fair of Texas, and so much more!  You know what else is here, and dare I mention, […]

Team Building Champions

Howdy out there to my Vape Pardners! As some of you may know, every other month the Vixen staff goes to a day of team building fun. When we typically do team building, we split our team members up into their prospective store locations, or primary place of work, and each team competes against the […]

What is Premium e-Liquid?

The word premium has become a frequently used term when referencing high quality e-liquids in the electronic cigarette industry.  The words have become so common place that it is hard to differentiate what is really a premium e-Liquid versus one that is just being called a premium. There are many reasons why a line may […]

Bar Promotions Night

Hey Everyone! Vixen Vapors is kicking off a new program!  We are going to be more involved going out and talking with new vapers and taking an initiative in helping people quit smoking.  We have arranged with some local establishments to come in and talk to their guests to get more people off those nasty […]

Football Season is Starting

Are you ready for some FOOOOTBAAAAALL?  It’s coming and in Texas there isn’t much that is bigger than Football Season. Thursday, September 10th kicks off the first game of the 96th season of the National Football League (NFL).  Traditionally, the previous season’s Super Bowl winner kicks off the game.  This year the New England Patriots […]

Photo Shoot Antics

Yaa-yaah People! It is no secret that Vixen Vapors tries to make our company a fun experience for customers as well as our team members.  We have many unique and quirky personalities on board with us.  We love to cultivate an environment where our team members can get involved and have a good time as […]

Rebuildable Atomizers

When rebuildable atomizers other wise known as, RDA’s were first introduced into the electronic cigarette industry, it opened up a whole new aspect to vaping.  Users began building their own coils on RDA’s to create the effects that they were most interested in achieving with vaping, such as harder hits, more flavor, and most commonly large […]

Get to Know…

The Ervin Edition   Picture: Lyndee and Marcus on a Photoshoot Day! It is close to the lunch hour.  Lyndee, Amee, Marcus and I sit at our meeting table in our Corporate office discussing ideas in our Marketing & Design meeting.  We are deciding on topics for our blogs and Lyndee proposes a “Get to […]

e-Liquid Ingredients

Have you ever wondered exactly what the ingredients are that make up e-Liquids?  This is a frequently asked question in our shops, especially among new users of electronic cigarettes.  We believe it is important to know exactly what it is we are putting into our bodies. Most e-liquids are made up of a very simple […]